thank u my dear, iLLi EaRisSa AiZa
for tagged me this time.. if im not mistaken, this is my 4th
tagged since i jumped into this blogger world..hahaha~
No. 1: Do you think you are hot right now?
Nope..because it's cold here.. :)
No. 2: Upload wallpaper that you are using rite now

No. 3: Last time eating pizza?
hmmm, not sure but on this month.. :D
No. 4: Last song that you listen?
Hakikat bahagia - UNIC
No. 5: Others things that you are doing right now?
Listening music + facebooking ;)
No. 6: Other than your name what is other name that you people use to call you? many! [secret] hahaha~
No. 7: Tag five person
1. @};- Ajijah
2. @};- Haffizs
3. @};- Murni
4. @};- Que
5. @};- Awan
Who is no. 1 for you ? buddy since PDT in KMPh!! :D
Say something for person no.5
awan!! jgn lupe update blog!!
[tau ko malas sbnrnye..saje tagged ko..haha]
no.3 is in relationship with ?
hahaha..murni!!! nk org bgtau kat sini x? hehe~
[xde sbnrnye, sbb murni nk blaja murni kn??]
How about no.2 ?
a very creative person i've ever meet after mint + alyaa!! :)
The fact about 5 people that you tag..
1) Ajijah..hmmm, really appreciate friendship and it's fun
to share anything with her coz she is very open minded person.. :D
2) Haffizs..studying architecture at USM..+ when she sketch something,
it's look like she drawing something on the paper.. :p
3) Murni..sometimes can be sooo silent person but sometimes can be
very talkative one..haha~ murni-chan! thanx 4 everything.. :>
4) Que..knew this girl when we went to PD for MiKiM..
and we stay up together that night..huhu~
sweet memories my dear! :>
5) Awan..didn't know this guy very well..hahaha~
[sori wan! ak xtau nk tulis ape.. :D]
nota kaki :
maap le klw byk sgt grammar mistake..
actually, mmg sy dlm proses nk improve english..
so, just ignore my mistake ok..haha~
"Practice make perfect!"