بسم الله الر حمن الرحيم
Thanx fizah...kerana telah warm up otak akak pagi2~hehehe~ (^_^)A - AVAILABLE : yup..available in YM..haha =)
B - BIRTHDAY : the last day of January~
C - CRUSHING ON : it's not the time yet..
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD : kopi radix [last night]
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO : insya-Allah everyone~
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT : all nasyid songs..
H - HOMETOWN : Pontian, Johor..
I - IN LOVE WITH : HLOVATE's novel..
J - JUGGLE : dunno~
K - KILLED SOMEONE : no thanx..haha~
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : Johor - kL.. :D
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : ❤ Cappucino + chocolate~
O - ONE WISH : i wish to have many wishes..haha~ (^^_)
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST : lame xkol org..[aku cuti, hp pon cuti]
R- REASON TO SMILE : senyum adalah 1 sedekah..right?
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : Forheart - Dilema Cinta Illahi.mp3.. =)
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP : 6.15 am..
V - VEGETABLE : All types of vegetables except petai + jering dan sewaktu dgnnya~
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY : July 2009...[for registration to enter UiTM]
Y - YOYOS ARE : my bro's feberet..
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Aquarius~
Your favorite number/s : 4
What color do you wear most : Black + any colours~
Most favorite color : Pink + Purple + Blue~
What are you listening to :All songs but mostly nasyid's song..
Are you happy with your life right now : Alhamdulillah...
What is your favorite class in school : iluvMaths!!~
Who is/are your best friend/s : a lot number of bestie~
Are you outgoing : Depends on situation..
Favorite pair of shoes : kasut but kawad..boleh?? :D
Can you dance : O_o huh?! nope~
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth : Tak
Can you whistle : Can..only if use the real whistle~
Cross your eyes : yup..
Walk with your toes curled : nope~
Do you believe in life in other planets : hmm..yes~
Do you believe in miracles : =) insya-Allah, yes~
Do you believe in magic : O_o ?!
Love at first sight : Quite believe..
Do you know how to swim : Klw apung diri tu lepas la.. :D
Do you like roller coasters : YES!!
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows : insya-Allah..i can do it~
Have you ever been on a plane : Nope~
Have you ever asked someone out : of coz...
Have you ever been to the ocean : Nope~
Have you ever painted your nails? : wif INAI..dolu2~
What is the temperature outside? : not sure~
What radio station do you listen to : IKIM.FM + hot.fm..
What was the last restaurant you ate at : prefer mkn mak masak!
What was the last thing you bought : ntoh le~
What was the last thing on TV you watched : DALIL CINTA..yesterday in TV3~
Who was the last person you IM'd : hmmm, adelah..haha~
Who was the last person you took a picture of : abang!
Who was the last person you said I love you to : matrix's fren~
Ever really cried your heart out : heh?! penah ke?
Ever cried yourself to sleep : penah kot..
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder : last with Atiq~ :D
Do you cry when you get an injury : ntah la..lame x injured~
Are you a happy person? : Depends
What is your current hair color: what do u think? :>
What shirt are you wearing : xkn sport level kot..haha :)
Pants : xkn la sua full-U..hesh~
Shoes : Perlu ke pakai dlm uma?
Necklaces : Nope~
Favorite eye color: Black
Short or long hair : Short
Height : taller than me..maybe~
Been to jail: Nope!~
Mooned someone : what do u think?
Thought about suicide : Dosa besau bunuh diri tau~
Laughed so hard you cried : think so~
Cried in school : hehe..mase kecik2 dulu la kot..
Thrown up in a store : nope~
Wanted to be a model : Model? if role model insya-Allah nk gak..[layak kah diri ini?]
Seen a dead body : Yes!
Been on drugs : Nau'zubillah..
Gone skinny dipping : No thanx~
Pepsi or Coke : Koko radix..boleh??
McDonald's or Burger King : xpenah pi BK~
Single or Group Dates: Classmate dates..[kak nad! give me 5] :D
Chocolate or Vanilla : both~
Strawberries or Blueberries : BlackBerry..hihi
Meat or Veggies : both!
TV or Movie : depends~
Guitar or Drums : Piano? :>
Adidas or Nike : xkesah ape2..
notakaki:byk bebeno soklan nye...sooo, akak nk tag sape2 yg rajin..
boleh x fizah??hehehe~