Sometimes..a lot of opportunity came in our life
we need to choose either grab it or drop it
Sometimes..the opportunity just came once
Sometimes..it may change our life
Sometimes..it doesn't change anything
Sometimes..we can't decide what the right decision to be made
Sometimes..we need help to make decision
Sometimes..nobody can help us
Sometimes..when we lose it, we'll regret
Sometimes..when we grab it, we had a joy
Sometimes..we just waiting it to be true
Sometimes..it just came when we need it
Sometimes..it never come although we wish for it
So, when it come..
Choose the right decision..
And grab it as u wish for..
And the most
IMPORTANT thing is...

"Then when u have take a decision..
put ur trust in Allah..certainly, Allah
love to those who put their trust in Him.."
Sometimes..the opportunity just came once
Sometimes..it may change our life
Sometimes..it doesn't change anything
Sometimes..we can't decide what the right decision to be made
Sometimes..we need help to make decision
Sometimes..nobody can help us
Sometimes..when we lose it, we'll regret
Sometimes..when we grab it, we had a joy
Sometimes..we just waiting it to be true
Sometimes..it just came when we need it
Sometimes..it never come although we wish for it
So, when it come..
Choose the right decision..
And grab it as u wish for..
And the most
IMPORTANT thing is...

"Then when u have take a decision..
put ur trust in Allah..certainly, Allah
love to those who put their trust in Him.."
Peh.. Mendalam maksudnye tu.. Insya-Allah farah akan cuba amalkan.. ume kadang2 tu tak tertanggung gak ape yang bakal dihadapi.. Kata2 tu benar2 memberi maksud yang amat mendalam.. Farah harap akan datang kite same2 akan dapat buat pilihan yang terbaik.. Suapay tak timbul penyesalan satu hari nanti..
hmmm, mksud ayat ni mmg agak mendalam..kt tuju kn buat semua..
dan lebey2 lagi diri kita..
sma2 la kita wat pilihan yg terbaik
utk diri kita..(^_^)v
pilihan, adlah sesuatu yg kte nk, kan?? sesuatu yg kte arap ia akn berlaku, kan?? betol, letakkan lah segala kepada sang Pencipta.. andai ap yg diarapkan tidak terlaksana olehNya,
ingt la, Dye tahu ap yg terbaik untuk diri kite (alBaqarah 216)
=) ur right my fren~
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