"Arigatou gozaimasu sapik!! (^_--)v"
aish...serba salah lak ak..sori ye sapik..mmg dah berabad kot ak janji nk wat tapi xterbuat plak..paham2 je la ye sapik...ak punye bizi, mengalah kn perdana menteri kot..hehe..soooo, skrg ak tunai kn le janji itu..
first of all...thanx a lot to my fren sapik for this award..[walau pn ak rase xlayak dpt, tp..ak hargainye..]
alright...here's it goes~
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award :
----> [rase da byk kali thanx td..hehe..ok2] thanx sapik! (^_^)v
2. Pass this award onto 15 blog you've recently discovered and think are fantastic
----> hmmm..ak pass balik kat ko bley x sapik?? hehe~
1) iLLi Earissa
2) athiChk iSaac
3) aZyan aZilah
4) saiFulZakwan
5) faRis
6) naZrin
7) tiPah
8) FroDo BagGins
9) jeYjaH
10) yAyA
....diskaun le..10 org je ekh? :)
3. Contact each Blogs and let them know they've won the award
----> hmmm....kawan2, if korg terbace kn..korg wat la..hehe ^_^
4. State 7 things about yourself
---> aisey...ak penah letak 10 things about me kat tag yg lame la sapik..nk kene wat lg ke??
1. sorg hamba yg mencari cinta hakiki & abadi iaitu cinta Illahi~
2. sgt2 suke mndengar lagu nasyid!! (^_--)v
3. sorg yg suke mengaktifkan diri drpd skola rendah dlu smpai la kat U ni..
4. suke ngadap komputer...sbb sgt suke dgn komputer..dan alhamdulillah, dgn izin-Nya ak dpt kos yg berkaitan dgn komputer skrg..
5. sorg yg mempercayai ajal + jodoh + pertemuan semua telah tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz..
6. sorg yg sgt syg kn kadet bomba...yeah!! idop B.O.M.B.A....hihi
7. ak ni homely org nye...xske merewang kat lua xtentu hala melainkan kwn2 ajak jumpe atau pn ade reunion..
first of all...thanx a lot to my fren sapik for this award..[walau pn ak rase xlayak dpt, tp..ak hargainye..]
alright...here's it goes~
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award :
----> [rase da byk kali thanx td..hehe..ok2] thanx sapik! (^_^)v
2. Pass this award onto 15 blog you've recently discovered and think are fantastic
----> hmmm..ak pass balik kat ko bley x sapik?? hehe~
1) iLLi Earissa
2) athiChk iSaac
3) aZyan aZilah
4) saiFulZakwan
5) faRis
6) naZrin
7) tiPah
8) FroDo BagGins
9) jeYjaH
10) yAyA
....diskaun le..10 org je ekh? :)
3. Contact each Blogs and let them know they've won the award
----> hmmm....kawan2, if korg terbace kn..korg wat la..hehe ^_^
4. State 7 things about yourself
---> aisey...ak penah letak 10 things about me kat tag yg lame la sapik..nk kene wat lg ke??
1. sorg hamba yg mencari cinta hakiki & abadi iaitu cinta Illahi~
2. sgt2 suke mndengar lagu nasyid!! (^_--)v
3. sorg yg suke mengaktifkan diri drpd skola rendah dlu smpai la kat U ni..
4. suke ngadap komputer...sbb sgt suke dgn komputer..dan alhamdulillah, dgn izin-Nya ak dpt kos yg berkaitan dgn komputer skrg..
5. sorg yg mempercayai ajal + jodoh + pertemuan semua telah tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz..
6. sorg yg sgt syg kn kadet bomba...yeah!! idop B.O.M.B.A....hihi
7. ak ni homely org nye...xske merewang kat lua xtentu hala melainkan kwn2 ajak jumpe atau pn ade reunion..
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